The Ultimate Chakra Healing

Online Workshop

Image by Alexandra_Koch  from Pixabay


1hr 45minutes


  • Basic understanding of chakra system and Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins.

  • Simple reading materials are available by request to meet the prerequisite.

Bottom Up (Physical to Spiritual) or Upside Down (Celestial to Physical)?!

Learn to listen, perceive and heal 8 layers of your Auras as you explore up and down the fascinating world of human consciousness levels using Chakra system and the map of consciousness.

Learn to identify, own and finally heal the underlying energy patterns of your consciousness which may not only be responsible for the already existing physical problems but also may be the possible contributor of the future manifestations of diseases and misfortunes.

Remove the seed of illness from your consciousness and saw what yields happiness and health. You will be taught how to cultivate and maintain health giving thought patterns and how to eliminate or diminish the adverse effects of your negative thoughts and emotions from your auras.

Chakra means Disk in Sanskrit. Chakras are vortexes of powerful energy centers that are embedded in the core of human energy system.

Before a disorder manifests as physical disease, the underlying causes of energy disturbances show up on the energetic level of different Chakras.

Therefore, learning to perceive the condition of each chakra and its corresponding auric layers, one can have a head-start in harmonizing the energetic disturbances. Because energetic disturbances occur precursor to the manifestation of existing physical, emotional and mental diseases, addressing its spiritual and energetic origins have positive impacts on already existing physical diseases and help preventing the future ones.

Spiritual field that are governed by the higher vibrations of consciousness such as Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment are powerful healing planes where much of ego’s perception that have created the sufferings may dissolve and disappears into the bigger perceptions of Divine Spiritual Truth.

When one is enabled to experience these higher blissful vibrations of one’s own aura, new and healthier concept of self-identify and expanded world view may emerge out of Oneness.

Thus, when frequently accessed, due to the intrinsic healing nature of it, these field of Divine Truth charge the ones who immerse themselves in them, with the great Spiritual Powers, and draws them to the optimal conditions to heal ALL (there) is.

Workshop offered and taught by: