Healing Session

All Sessions of spoken parts are offered in English or in Japanese. Basic language skill on either language is necessary to understand the spoken messages.

Surrendering pain and suffering to Compassion 

  • Aligning one’s consciousness to the level of Unconditional Love

  • Asking questions and receiving answers using muscle testing, intuition and divine guidance 

Types of healing sessions

All sessions are available in person or zoom.

  • Surrogate healing for children under 18 and for animals are available. 

  • Remote healing for people and animals in comma are available.

  • A healing session can also takes place in a different location other than at  Heart Space such as your own home, hospital, home for elderlies, animal shelters, etc. Additional traveling cost may apply.

Session Length

45 minutes session

60 minutes session

90 minutes session

140 minutes session

170 minutes session

200 minutes session

Please see Booking for the payment possibilities.