Main Mentors and Teachers

My mother who taught me to act in alignment with the Universal Principles of Truth instead of temporal personal gains.

My father who taught me to seek beyond the known and familiar. He continues to inspire me to rely on compassion and usage of contexualized wisdom in order to raise oneself beyond trivial emotionalism.

Amir Peter O’laughlin who, through his pure presence, transmitted into the depth of my heart, what it may feels to be touched by the divine essence of  “Love, Harmony and Beauty.”

Dr. David Hawkins who taught me how the mechanism of ego functions on each stage of its evolutionary process.  The path to enlightenment has become clear and possible to journey on.  He showed me how to say Yes to the sweet inner embrace of God each moment of life so that as much Self may live through this self.

Dr. Bradley Nelson who taught me to let go of my local self to access the vast knowledge of collective subconscious mind. He taught me to ask for Divine guidance and pray for help. He taught me to open my heart to the power of unconditional love and trust it. Dr. Bradley Nelson: (website)

Patricia Jean Edge-Puff who taught me the importance of embodying Divine Love. She has guided me with gentleness, humour and clarity on how to allow crystals to enhance and supports the flow of Divine Love in healing. Patricia Jean Edge-Puff: (website)

Jyoti Bruun, my Reiki teacher, who lives through the selfless service to humanity. She has shown me that devotion draws the furthest shore of enlightenment to our hearts, beyond any reason and logical mind can possibly reach.

Portrait of Patricia Jean Edge-Huff by Darshan