Finding Truth beyond time and space
After the session we (my partner and I) went to the sea and I thought of my mother as I quietly stood looking at the waves. The message that came to me was that there was nothing to fear, everything was all right. The tide comes in and recedes, like each wave, and this is the natural circle of life - and death. It felt - feels - very good.
I think I am still adapting to the new state, consciously looking to create new habits of thought about myself. And practice more than ever the 'being present' response to everything including things I find challenging, looking to find the love underneath it all.
Simon, Life Coach, England
Facebook page: Heart Intelligence UK - Embodied Awakening
Out of coma
After my auntie went into coma, my family and I was told by the doctor she may pass away anytime. Sadness filled my heart because I have not expressed my love and gratitude to my auntie. My auntie received one distant healing session. A day after the healing took place, I went to see her. To everyone's delight, my auntie recovered so much that she was not only out of coma but was taking an assisted shower when I arrived. I was so happy. Since then, I have been able to express how much I love her and cherish her.
Moxibustionist, Japan
Happy dog once again
Dinos has been with me since 2011. When he was 20 days old, he was one of the ten sick puppies who had Gastroenteritis. Though many of them did not survive, Dino made it and he has been happy and healthy since, but few years ago, Dino has started to limp and be depressed from unknown causes. After three healing sessions, the underlying energy patterns of Dino's physical and emotional imbalances were surrendered to God. Physical pathogens were identified, surrendered energetically and treated with holistic olive extract remedies. His diet was changed, and his overall life style was altered to meet his present needs. Dino no longer limps. He walks with light gait, vocalize his emotions with powerful barks. Dino is a happy and confident dog.
Stefania, Founding President AdottaDog, Italy
ヒーリングを受ける様になり 「私が意識してないワタシ」に気づき、内面を徐々に見つめ、無意識に自分を痛めつける行動を少しづつ変えることが可能になっていった。
ヒーリングを受け始めてから、2年が経った。アトピーはまだ完治していない。しかし、自分では気づいていなかった自分に与えられた才能を発見したり、苦しい感情の奥にある願望や、ニーズとも少しづつつながれる様になってきたように思う。 そして、今はアトピーに良い病院との縁があり普通に暮らせるまでに回復しつつある。